Latviski English Русский


 •   Plenipotentiary representation of „Bobruiskagromash”, „Bobruiskselmash” and „Lidselmash” (Belarus) in Latvia
 •   Plenipotentiary representation of „Metal - Fach” (Poland) in Latvia
 •   Selling of agricultural machines and equipment
 •   Selling of communal technics
 •   Selling of technics without additional cost tax (directly from bonded warehouse or manufacturer)
 •   Selling of spare parts
 •   After-sales (guarantee) service and repair
 •   Delivery of the machines to the customer (by request)
 •   Improvement of the machines (by request)
 •   Producing of plastical (protective and finishing) parts for agricultural machines



SIA "Balttehnika", 2019